Building grit when you feel burned out, tired and run down PT. 2

So I got this question the other day and it’s, “How do you continue to build grit when you feel burned out, tired and run down?” And Hey – we’ve all been there but you gotta remember WHY you’re doing this. Really go back and ask yourself, “Why?” Try to answer those questions of why. […]
How do I overcome my own fear and laziness to do the hard things that require grit?

We are all individuals with difficulties in our lives and those difficulties look different for everyone. I like to think of those difficulties and the things that you should go after are the things that are going to push you past your comfort zone. Those things in the end are really good for you and […]
How do you continue to build grit when you feel burned out, tired and rundown?

You ever watch the movie A League Of Their Own? Tom Hanks plays the coach, Jimmy, he’s not used to coaching women and their emotions, Dottie is leaving, and he tells her she’s quitting and she says, “It just got too hard.” His response, “It’s supposed to be hard. If it were easy, everyone […]
Growing Grit In You & Your Kids

What’s up to my School of Grit supporters? I wanted to kick off with the survey I sent out a couple of weeks ago. Thank you to everyone that filled it out. I had a lot of responses, a lot of great questions and comments and I want to pick a weekly question at random […]
Quit the excuses and start taking massive action

It’s easy to sit in the comfort of your own home watching something on TV and tell yourself, “Yeah, I could do that.” It’s a big deal to actually put your skin in the game, sign up, and then go out and achieve it. I see it all the time, too. I’ll have conversations with […]
Commit to the daily grind and keep pushing yourself

If you don’t like your current situation, it’s on you to get yourself out. And there is a way out, but it’s uncommon. You have to do the daily work and create the discipline to change. Take time to better yourself and those around you. Focus on others’ needs instead of your own. I see […]
The first step in my journey toward grit

Have you ever seen a TED talk? I’m betting most of you have. But have you ever seen a TED talk that changed your life? Well, in 2014, my life changed forever after watching one on YouTube. I was standing in my master bathroom, looking at myself in the mirror, getting ready to go to […]