It’s easy to sit in the comfort of your own home watching something on TV and tell yourself, “Yeah, I could do that.” It’s a big deal to actually put your skin in the game, sign up, and then go out and achieve it.
I see it all the time, too.
I’ll have conversations with people who’ll have goals, but when faced with adversity, most of them will put it off or come up with some sort of excuse. My dad once told me excuses are like buttholes: Everyone has them, and they all stink. So true. My excuse used to be that I didn’t have enough time.
Let me give you a few examples of what I’m talking about here.
What’s your morning ritual like? I used to have one, and depending on the day, it consisted of sleeping in until about 6:30 or 7:00 and then immediately grabbing my phone to look for any work emails that might have come to my inbox while I was asleep. I’d then hop in the shower, and once that was over, I’d start making breakfast.
Only breakfast for me was cereal and a Pop-Tart (or a Toaster Strudel if I was treating myself). Once done with breakfast, I’d immediately sit in front of my computer and start answering work emails. Then I’d hit the road for work with an average commute of anywhere from thirty minutes to two hours depending on the day’s plan . . . but not before giving my wife and kids a goodbye kiss.

Sound familiar?
What’s wrong with that description? Well, nothing if all you really care about is work and a sugary start to your day, not to mention zero physical movement.
Your morning sets your tone for the day, and I was starting mine off playing defense.
Try playing offense instead.
Ready to take massive action? Snag a copy of School of Grit to help jump start your journey.
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