The Real Estate Unsalesperson

The Real Estate Unsalesperson Developing grit is a key to success in real estate. All the ups and downs, highs and lows, not to mention all the rejection that we face. How can we develop grit? Are some people just born that way or can we learn it? On this episode of The Real Estate […]

Total Potential

Total Potential Ever wondered what you’re really made of? Have you asked yourself what might be possible if you dug just a little deeper? Today’s guest, Brad Ritter, asked himself those questions and then set out to find the answer. In his new book, School of Grit, he shares hard-earned lessons from the toughest civilian […]

The Dad Edge Alliance Fight Club

The Dad Edge Alliance Fight Club Brad talks about how he endured SEALFIT Kokoro training, the world’s premier training event for forging mental toughness. He also talks about his Dad Edge Alliance call team nicknamed the Fight Club, and how he has helped the men in his group develop and grow. VIEW HERE

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